🌐 Hosting Full-Stack Application on AWS 🚀
⚛️ React Frontend on S3, 🖥️ Backend on EC2, and 🗄️ Database on RDS PostgreSQL
Table of contents
- Part 1: AWS Infrastructure Setup for a Full-Stack Application
- Part 2: Deploying the Backend on AWS
- Introduction
- Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance
- Step 2: SSH Into the Instance
- Step 3: Install Dependencies
- Step 4: Clone the Backend Repository
- Step 5: Set Up Environment Variables
- Step 6: Install Dependencies and Start the Server
- Step 7: Test Backend with RDS
- Step 8: Use PM2 for Production
- Step 9: Secure Your Backend
- Step 10: Monitor Logs
- Part 3: Deploying the Frontend on AWS
- Setting Up RDS for the Backend
- Troubleshooting Errors Encountered During the Project
Part 1: AWS Infrastructure Setup for a Full-Stack Application
In this guide, we'll cover how to set up your AWS infrastructure step by step, starting with creating an AWS account, configuring IAM users, and setting up the foundation to deploy your application securely.
Step 1: Create an AWS Account
If you don’t already have an AWS account, here’s how to create one:
Visit AWS Sign Up.
Fill in your details:
Email: Use a valid, regularly checked email.
Password: Choose a strong password.
Account name: Enter a name like
MyApp AWS Account
Add billing information:
AWS requires a credit or debit card for billing.
Initially, many services are free under the Free Tier.
Verify your identity using your phone number.
Choose a support plan:
- For now, stick with the free Basic Support Plan.
Step 2: Secure Your Root Account
After account creation, your root account has full control of AWS. Protect it immediately:
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
Go to My Security Credentials → Activate MFA.
Use an app like Google Authenticator to scan the QR code.
Avoid using the root account for day-to-day tasks. Instead, create an IAM admin user.
Step 3: Set Up IAM Users and Groups
AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) allows you to manage user permissions securely.
Step 3.1: Create an IAM Admin User
Go to IAM Dashboard → Users → Add User.
User details:
.Access type: Select Programmatic Access (for CLI/SDK/API) and AWS Management Console Access.
Attach policies:
- Select AdministratorAccess (full control).
Complete setup:
- Download the access key and secret key.
Step 3.2: Create IAM Groups
Groups simplify managing permissions for multiple users.
Go to IAM Dashboard → Groups → Create Group.
- Group name:
- Group name:
Attach policies based on roles:
.Database Admins:
Step 3.3: Assign Users to Groups
Add the
to thedevelopers-group
for now.This ensures you can securely start development.
Step 4: Configure the AWS CLI
AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) allows you to interact with AWS services.
Step 4.1: Install AWS CLI
Download and install the AWS CLI for your OS:
Verify installation:
aws --version
Step 4.2: Configure AWS CLI
Run the following command:
aws configure
Access key: From your IAM user.
Secret key: Downloaded earlier.
Region: E.g.,
(Mumbai).Output format:
Test the setup:
aws s3 ls
If successful, this lists your S3 buckets (if any exist).
Step 5: Set Up Security Groups
Security Groups (SGs) act as virtual firewalls to control inbound and outbound traffic for AWS resources.
Step 5.1: Default Security Group
By default, AWS creates a default SG with no restrictions. Create custom SGs for better security.
Step 5.2: Create a Custom Security Group
Go to EC2 Dashboard → Security Groups → Create Security Group.
SSH (22): Allow from your IP address only.
Custom TCP (8000): Allow for backend communication (change later as needed).
PostgreSQL (5432): Allow only from specific IPs (e.g., your EC2 instance).
HTTP (80): Allow all traffic for frontend access.
Step 6: Set Up RDS (Relational Database Service)
RDS allows you to use managed databases like PostgreSQL without worrying about infrastructure.
Step 6.1: Create a PostgreSQL Database
Go to RDS Dashboard → Create Database.
Engine: PostgreSQL.
Instance size:
(free tier eligible).Public access: Enable (we’ll restrict later with SGs).
Wait for the database to be ready and note the endpoint.
Step 7: Set Up S3 Bucket for Static Files
S3 will be used later for hosting the frontend. For now, let’s create a bucket.
Step 7.1: Create an S3 Bucket
Go to S3 Dashboard → Create Bucket.
.Region: Match with your resources (e.g.,
).Block public access: Leave it enabled for now (we’ll configure it later).
Part 2: Deploying the Backend on AWS
In this part, we’ll focus on deploying your backend application to an AWS EC2 instance, configuring it to connect to the RDS PostgreSQL database, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.
Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance
Step 1.1: Select Instance
Go to the EC2 Dashboard → Launch Instance.
.AMI: Choose an Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.
Instance type:
(free tier eligible).
Step 1.2: Key Pair
Select or create a key pair for secure SSH access.
Download the private key (
Step 1.3: Configure Network
Attach the Security Group you created earlier (
).Ensure it allows:
SSH (22): Your IP only.
Backend port (e.g.,
): Allow from0.0.0.0/0
temporarily for testing.
Step 1.4: Storage
Keep the default 8GB unless your backend requires more.
Step 1.5: Launch
Launch the instance and wait for it to start.
Note the Public IP Address.
Step 2: SSH Into the Instance
Open your terminal and navigate to the folder containing the key pair file.
ssh -i "your-key.pem" ec2-user@<EC2-Public-IP>
If using Ubuntu:
ssh -i "your-key.pem" ubuntu@<EC2-Public-IP>
Step 3: Install Dependencies
Your backend likely requires Node.js, Python, or another runtime. Let’s assume a Node.js backend for this guide.
Step 3.1: Update Packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Step 3.2: Install Node.js
Install Node.js:
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt install -y nodejs
node -v npm -v
Step 3.3: Install Git
sudo apt install -y git
Step 4: Clone the Backend Repository
Navigate to a directory (e.g.,
):cd ~
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/<your-repo-url>.git
Navigate into the project:
cd <your-project-folder>
Step 5: Set Up Environment Variables
Create an
file for environment variables:nano .env
Add variables, e.g.:
DB_HOST=<RDS-endpoint> DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=yourpassword DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=vea APP_PORT=8000
Save and exit (
Ctrl + O
,Ctrl + X
Step 6: Install Dependencies and Start the Server
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the backend:
npm run dev
If successful, your backend should now be running on
Step 7: Test Backend with RDS
Access the backend endpoint in your browser:
Check logs to confirm database connectivity. Debug errors if any.
Step 8: Use PM2 for Production
To keep the backend running even after the terminal is closed, use PM2:
Install PM2 globally:
sudo npm install -g pm2
Start the backend using PM2:
pm2 start npm --name "backend" -- start
Save the PM2 process list to restart automatically after reboot:
pm2 save pm2 startup
Step 9: Secure Your Backend
Restrict port 8000 in the Security Group:
- Allow access only from specific frontend IP or load balancer.
for stricter database access:- Add DB_SSL=true and configure RDS SSL connection.
Enable firewall rules (optional):
sudo ufw allow 8000 sudo ufw enable
Step 10: Monitor Logs
Use PM2 to check logs:
pm2 logs backend
Or view logs directly:
tail -f logs/backend.log
Part 3: Deploying the Frontend on AWS
We will:
Build the React frontend.
Host it on an S3 bucket.
Use CloudFront for faster delivery and HTTPS.
Connect it to the backend running on EC2.
Step 1: Build the React Application
Navigate to the React app folder on your local machine:
cd <your-react-project-folder>
Install dependencies:
npm install
Update the backend API endpoint in your frontend code:
Locate the API URL in your
or configuration files.Replace it with the EC2 backend URL:
Build the application for production:
npm run build
- This will generate a
folder with optimized static files.
- This will generate a
Step 2: Create an S3 Bucket for Frontend Hosting
Go to the S3 Dashboard → Create Bucket:
Bucket name:
.Region: Same as other resources (e.g., ap-south-1).
ACLs: Enable public access.
Configure Bucket Settings:
Uncheck Block all public access.
Acknowledge warnings about public access.
Enable Static Website Hosting:
Go to Properties → Static website hosting → Enable.
Index document:
.Error document:
(for React single-page apps).
Upload the build files:
Go to the bucket → Upload.
Drag and drop all files from the
Make files publicly accessible:
Go to Permissions → Bucket policy.
Add the following policy:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-frontend-app/*" } ] }
Test the hosted app:
- Copy the bucket website endpoint (e.g.,
) and open it in your browser.
- Copy the bucket website endpoint (e.g.,
Step 3: Set Up CloudFront for CDN and HTTPS
Go to the CloudFront Dashboard → Create Distribution:
Origin Domain Name: Enter the S3 bucket website endpoint.
Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
Cache Policy: Use the default policy for now.
Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs): Add your custom domain if you’re using one (optional).
Configure Behavior:
- Set Default Root Object:
- Set Default Root Object:
Deploy the distribution:
- Note the CloudFront Distribution URL (e.g.,
- Note the CloudFront Distribution URL (e.g.,
Test the application:
Open the CloudFront URL in your browser.
Ensure the app loads correctly with HTTPS.
Step 4: Connect Frontend with Backend
Update the React app API endpoint to use the backend’s public domain or IP:
Rebuild the React app:
npm run build
Re-upload the build files to S3.
Test end-to-end functionality:
Open the frontend URL (CloudFront or S3).
Verify that API requests successfully connect to the backend.
Step 5: Optional - Add a Custom Domain with Route 53
Register a domain in Route 53 (e.g.,
).Create an A Record pointing to the CloudFront distribution.
Test the app using your custom domain:
Step 6: Enable Monitoring and Logs
Enable S3 Access Logs for bucket requests.
Enable CloudFront Logging for detailed CDN usage.
Setting Up RDS for the Backend
We’ll configure AWS RDS to host the PostgreSQL database, link it with the backend, and ensure secure access.
Step 1: Create an RDS Instance
Go to RDS Dashboard → Create Database.
Choose Database Creation Method:
- Select Standard Create.
Choose Engine:
Select PostgreSQL.
Version: Latest stable version (e.g., 16.x).
Configure Database Settings:
DB Instance Identifier:
.Master Username:
.Master Password: Create a strong password and save it securely.
Instance Size:
For development/testing, select:
DB Instance Class:
(free tier eligible).Storage: General Purpose SSD (20 GB).
Network Settings:
VPC: Choose the default VPC.
Subnet Group: Select the default subnet group.
Public Access: Enable if you want to access it publicly (for now).
Security Group: Select or create a security group with the following:
- Inbound rule: Allow PostgreSQL (port
) from your IP (or backend server IP).
- Inbound rule: Allow PostgreSQL (port
Availability Zone: No preference.
Database Authentication:
- Use the password authentication method.
Create Database:
- Click Create Database and wait for it to be available.
Step 2: Configure RDS for Backend Connection
Go to RDS Instances → Select your instance → Connectivity & Security.
Copy the Endpoint (e.g.,
Step 3: Set Up the Database Schema
Access RDS using psql:
Install the
client on your machine if not already installed.Connect to the database:
psql -h vea-database.c1o6wqcicobo.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgres -d postgres
Create a New Database:
Switch to the
Database:\c vea
Create Tables: Define the schema used by your backend. Example:
Step 4: Update Backend Configuration
Update the backend
file:DB_HOST=vea-database.c1o6wqcicobo.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com DB_PORT=5432 DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=<your-postgres-password> DB_NAME=vea
Test the backend connection:
Start the backend server:
npm run dev
Check logs to confirm the connection:
Connected to PostgreSQL on port 5432
Step 5: Secure RDS
Limit Security Group Access:
- Restrict the inbound rule to allow only the backend server’s IP or your local IP.
Enable Backups:
Go to RDS Dashboard → Select your instance → Modify.
Enable automated backups and set the retention period.
Enable Monitoring:
- Enable CloudWatch for performance metrics like CPU, memory, and connections.
Encrypt Data:
- Ensure your RDS instance uses encryption for data at rest.
Step 6: Test End-to-End Functionality
Use Postman or the frontend to make API requests.
Verify that data is being stored and retrieved from the RDS database.
Troubleshooting Errors Encountered During the Project
1. IAM Permissions Issue
When it Happened: During the setup of the backend to access RDS or S3 buckets.
Error Message:
AccessDenied: User is not authorized to perform the action
Cause: The IAM role did not have sufficient permissions for the RDS or S3 service.
Modified the IAM role to include the following policies:
Attached the IAM role to the EC2 instance running the backend.
How I Resolved It:
In the IAM Setup step, I ensured that the role assigned to the EC2 instance had the required permissions to interact with both RDS and S3 services. I modified the role's policy to include the necessary access levels and attached it to the EC2 instance.
Why This Is Important:
IAM roles control access to AWS services. Without the correct permissions, your backend may not be able to interact with essential services like RDS or S3. When facing similar issues, always check if the right permissions are granted to the IAM role associated with the service or resource.
2. Database Connection Error
When it Happened: While trying to connect the backend to RDS.
Error Message:
error: permission denied for table users
Cause: The database user (ubuntu) did not have sufficient privileges to access the users
Connected to the database as the
user.Granted privileges to the
How I Resolved It:
During the RDS Integration step, I encountered this issue due to missing database privileges. I logged into the database as the postgres
superuser and granted the necessary permissions to the ubuntu
user to allow access to the users
Why This Is Important:
Database users need explicit permissions to interact with tables. Always ensure the database user has the correct privileges for the tables or operations they need to perform.
3. Backend Environment Variables Missing
When it Happened: During backend deployment.
Error Message:
DB_HOST is not defined
Cause: The .env
file was either missing or improperly configured.
Created a
file in the backend directory with the following content:DB_HOST=vea-database.c1o6wqcicobo.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com DB_PORT=5432 DB_USER=ubuntu DB_PASSWORD=your_password DB_NAME=vea
Restarted the backend server to apply the changes.
How I Resolved It:
In the Backend Configuration step, I identified that the .env
file was not set up properly. After creating and configuring the file with the correct database connection details, I restarted the backend to apply the changes.
Tip for Environment Variables:
To ensure security, always store sensitive environment variables like database credentials in .env
files or use AWS Secrets Manager to keep them safe. Avoid hardcoding these values directly in your codebase.
4. RDS Public Accessibility
When it Happened: During initial attempts to access the database.
Error Message:
Connection timed out
Cause: The RDS instance was not publicly accessible, and no security group allowed incoming traffic on port 5432.
Enabled public accessibility for the RDS instance.
Updated the security group to allow inbound traffic from my IP address on port 5432.
How I Resolved It:
In the RDS Setup section, I realized that the RDS instance wasn't publicly accessible. To resolve this, I enabled public access for the RDS instance and updated the security group rules to allow traffic on port 5432 from my IP address.
Security Note:
While enabling public accessibility can be helpful during development, it's essential to restrict access to specific IPs in production environments to enhance security.
5. Frontend Not Loading
When it Happened: While hosting the React frontend on S3 and accessing it via CloudFront.
Error Message:
403 Forbidden
Cause: The S3 bucket’s policy didn’t allow public read access for the files.
Updated the S3 bucket policy to allow public read access:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*" } ] }
Enabled static website hosting on the bucket.
How I Resolved It:
In the Frontend Hosting step, I faced the 403 Forbidden error due to incorrect S3 bucket permissions. I updated the bucket policy to allow public read access to the files and enabled static website hosting for the bucket.
Additional Insight:
Always ensure your S3 bucket policy allows the necessary actions (e.g., s3:GetObject
for read access). If you're hosting a frontend on S3, enabling static website hosting is also crucial for accessing the site via the URL.
Common Errors and Resolutions
IAM Permissions Issue: Resolved by attaching the correct policies to the IAM role.
Database Connection Error: Fixed by granting proper permissions to the database user.
RDS Public Accessibility: Addressed by enabling public access and updating the security group.
Frontend 403 Forbidden Error: Resolved by updating the S3 bucket policy to allow public read access.
These are the common errors I encountered while setting up and deploying my project. By systematically troubleshooting each issue and applying the correct resolutions, I was able to successfully complete the setup.